There are public MPlayer development and user support mailing lists.
Due to spam problems you can only post to our lists after subscribing.
Unless explicitly stated otherwise the lists are English-only. There
is a limit on message size, so you may have to put big files up for
download somewhere instead of attaching them.
Before posting please learn and follow
as well as general rules about writing and quoting just as on usenet.
For a complete refresher please read
HOWTO Edit Messages or
How do I quote correctly in Usenet?.
As a guideline, remember that HTML mail,
top-posting and
thread hijacking
(posting unrelated messages as replies to existing threads) are forbidden.
Playing by the rules makes the life of those who read your mails a lot
easier and significantly increases your chances of getting an answer.
For users:
This is the place to get support for problems related to
usage, compilation and similar things. Please read all
relevant parts of the documentation before posting your
problems and feature requests.
For developers:
The development mailing lists are for development related discussions
and patches only! Usage-related questions, compilation troubles
and similar things are offtopic and highly unwelcome. You have been
- MPlayer-dev-eng: Main development mailing list, patches belong here.
This list is about MPlayer development only! Bug reports,
user questions and feature requests are unwelcome as we need to
keep the list traffic manageable.
subscribe ::
archives ::
search on gmane
- MPlayer-cvslog: Commits to the MPlayer Subversion repository appear as diffs
and are discussed on this mailing list. Anything else is strictly
offtopic and unwelcome on this list.
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archives ::
search on gmane
- MPlayer-DOCS: Documentation and homepage development mailing list,
receives documentation and homepage related commits.
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- MPlayer-translations: Documentation and homepage translation mailing list,
receives documentation and homepage translation related commits.
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- MPlayer-cygwin: mailing list for Windows (Cygwin and MinGW) porting
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archives ::
search on gmane
- MPlayer-G2-dev: (INACTIVE) mailing list for discussion about MPlayer G2,
the next generation video player
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archives ::
search on gmane
There are two official channels on the freenode
IRC network:
- #mplayer for users
- #mplayerdev for developers
Developers with repository write access have operator status
in #mplayerdev, contributors that have patches in MPlayer get
voice. Nevertheless it is an open and unmoderated channel.
Note that the same topic restrictions apply that we have for the mailing
lists. The development channel is for development-related discussions
and questions only! Usage-related questions, compilation troubles
and similar things are offtopic and highly unwelcome. You have been